This is a core undergraduate Computer Science course on the theory of computing. The course introduces the foundations of computer computer science including questions such as “what is computation”, “what are the mathematical models of computing machines”, “what is a computable problem”, and “what is efficiently computable”. The course covers these questions and in the process introduces important concepts such as Turing machines, formal languages, models of automata, and an introduction to complexity theory. This is a theoretical course and requires rigorous mathematical analysis, including deriving formal proofs, which will help you develop your on mathematical abstraction and problem solving skills. The lecture, and some lab sessions, will consist of in-class activities and students will be required to work in groups.


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Class Resources

Tentative Schedule

Introduction Materials
Week 1-Lecture 0 Lecture 0 – Course Introduction
Finite State Automata and Pushdown Automata (Weeks 1-6) Materials
Deterministic Finite Automata (Week 1)
Chapter 1.1 (Sipser)
Chapter 2 (Linz)
Lecture 1 – Finite Automata
Lecture 2 – Building DFAs
Nondeterministic Finite Automata (Week 2)

Regular Expressions and Non-regular Languages (Week 3)

Non-regular Languages and Pushdown Automata (Week 4)

Context-Free Grammars and Equivalence to PDAs (Week 5)


Exam 1 (Week 6) Feb. 20
All material on finite automata
Computability Theory (Weeks 7-10) Materials
Turing Machines (Week 7)

Decidable and Turing-recognizable Languages (Week 8)

Reductions (Week 9)

Exam 2 (Week 10) Mar. 27 All material on Turing machines and computability
Complexity Theory (Weeks 11-14) Materials
P and NP (Week 11)

NP Completeness (Week 12)

Complexity Classes and Interactive Proofs (Week 13)

Zero-Knowledge Proofs and Review (Week 14)

Summary Materials
Final Exam TBD Comprehensive but will focus primarily on material after Exam 2.

Office Hours:

All office hours will be held in the common area on the 4th floor of SEH.